
Intuitive Insight Tarot Session

Session Duration is 90 minutes ~ $250

This session is an in depth offering of insight and guidance around areas pertaining to one's life that are showing up significantly in the energy field. Using the three senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, along with the tarot, these messages of guidance allow for more clarity, truth and awareness. This session can shift limiting beliefs by gaining new perspectives, trusting in the learning of one's process, and stepping into more personal power and wisdom.

Also included in the session: numerology, oracle cards, shamanic wisdom, animal medicine, sacred geometry, kuan yin and crystal guidance cards.

It is encouraged to record the session, to offer the option of listening at a later date. These sessions are offered both over the phone or in-person for those residing in or willing to travel to the lower mainland.

*Phone/In Person Availability



Session Duration is 45 minutes ~ $150

A mediumship session offers an opportunity to connect with your loved ones in spirit through the energy of love. They are very much connected to us even after they pass into the spirit world, and will offer supportive evidence through their relationship with the client, including personality traits, physical description, important dates, songs, shared memories and more. Once the identification is established, then a message from the loved one will come through.

In doing so, this will help solidify that they are present in the session and your life. This session can offer deep healing and provide closure and more awareness on your personal journey, and that your loved ones are always with you.

These sessions are offered both over the phone or in-person for those residing in or willing to travel to the lower mainland.

*Phone/In Person Availability


Session duration is 45 minutes ~ $75

This session explores your personal year cycle of that year and the energy it brings, as well as the collective energy, through numerology. We explore how both are significant as well as intuitive messages and how they relate to you personally.

*Phone Availability Only



Session Duration and Pricing are based on several factors.
Please inquire for details.

Cleansings remove any unwanted or stuck energy in an area and replaces it with a more positive abundant joy filled energy. The home or business has the ability to carry imprints of unhealthy vibrations from previous occupants, as well as current situations that may reflect anger, stress, frustration, or depression which in turn can create an environment that is not in harmony. By using cleansing tools, crystals and attuning with positive intentions while blessing the home or business, will in turn create a more peaceful and balanced environment.